What are the top 10 most effective global charities in the past year?

It is important to note that determining the “most effective” global charities can be subjective and depends on several factors such as the criteria used, specific focus area, and personal values. Additionally, evaluating the effectiveness of charities is complex, as outcomes and impact can be difficult to measure. Nevertheless, here are ten global charities that are widely recognized for their work and impact:

1. Against Malaria Foundation
2. GiveDirectly
3. Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
4. Helen Keller International
5. Fistula Foundation
6. Oxfam
7. Save the Children
8. The END Fund
9. Charity: Water
10. Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)

It is important to conduct your own research and consider your personal values and preferences when deciding on supporting a charity. Additionally, platforms like GiveWell and Charity Navigator provide in-depth analysis and recommendations on highly effective organizations.

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